Light High Efficiency Graph Component

Qunee Developer Guide

Style List

The display effect of element can be controlled via the style property in Qunee

Setting of styles

The following codes are used for setting edges and not displaying arrows at terminal end

edge.setStyle(Q.Styles.ARROW_TO, false);

Style List

The following shows the type style list



var node = graph.createNode("hello");
node.setStyle(Q.Styles.ALPHA, 0.5);
var node = graph.createNode("qunee", -20, 10);
node.setStyle(Q.Styles.ALPHA, 0.5);

run effect

For setting related styles at the start end arrow

var graph = new Q.Graph("canvas");
var hello = graph.createNode("Hello", -100, -50);
var qunee = graph.createNode("Qunee", 100, 50);
var edge = graph.createEdge("Hello\nQunee", hello, qunee);
edge.setStyle(Q.Styles.ARROW_FROM, Q.Consts.SHAPE_CIRCLE);
edge.setStyle(Q.Styles.ARROW_FROM_FILL_COLOR, "#2898E0");
edge.setStyle(Q.Styles.ARROW_FROM_SIZE, {width: 30, height: 30});

Operation effect:

var graph = new Q.Graph("canvas");
var hello = graph.createNode("Hello");
hello.setStyle(Q.Styles.BACKGROUND_COLOR, "#2898E0");
hello.setStyle(Q.Styles.PADDING, new Q.Insets(10, 20));

Operation effect

Style nameReference value
BACKGROUND_COLORFilling color can be set in the following format: #2898E0, rgba(22,33,240,0.5)
BACKGROUND_GRADIENTFilling gradient can use the example of Q.Gradient. For instance, new Gradient(Q.Consts.GRADIENT_TYPE_LINEAR, [Q.toColor(0x8AFFFFFF), Q.toColor(0x44CCCCCC)], [0.1, 0.9])
var hello = graph.createNode("Hello");
hello.setStyle(Q.Styles.BORDER, 2);
hello.setStyle(Q.Styles.BORDER_COLOR, "#2898E0");
hello.setStyle(Q.Styles.PADDING, new Q.Insets(10, 20));

Operation effect

Style nameReference value
BORDERBorder thickness
BORDER_COLORBorder color can be set in the following format: #2898E0, rgba(22,33,240,0.5)
BORDER_LINE_DASHDotted line style uses array format, such as [2, 5]
BORDER_LINE_DASH_OFFSETOffset of dotted line, number type, dynamic modification of this property would realize the flow effect of dotted line
BORDER_RADIUSFillet supports number type or includes objects of property x, y, such as {x: 10, y: 5}
var hello = graph.createNode("Hello", -100, -50);
var qunee = graph.createNode("Qunee", 100, 50);
var edge = graph.createEdge("Hello\nQunee", hello, qunee);
edge.setStyle(Q.Styles.EDGE_COLOR, "#2898E0");
edge.setStyle(Q.Styles.EDGE_WIDTH, 3);

Operation effect

var hello = graph.createNode("Hello", -100, -50);
var qunee = graph.createNode("Qunee", 100, 50);
function createEdge(gap){
    var edge = graph.createEdge("Edge", hello, qunee);
    edge.setStyle(Q.Styles.EDGE_BUNDLE_GAP, gap);
    edge.setStyle(Q.Styles.EDGE_BUNDLE_LABEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR, "#2898E0");
    edge.setStyle(Q.Styles.EDGE_BUNDLE_LABEL_PADDING, 3);
    return edge;

Operation effect

var hello = graph.createNode("Hello", -100, -50);
var qunee = graph.createNode("Qunee", 100, 50);
var edge = graph.createEdge("Hello &&&\nQunee", hello, qunee);
var group = graph.createGroup();
group.groupType = Q.Consts.GROUP_TYPE_ELLIPSE;
group.setStyle(Q.Styles.GROUP_BACKGROUND_COLOR, Q.toColor(0xCCfcfb9b));

Operation effect

Node image setting

var hello = graph.createNode("Hello", -100, -50);
hello.setStyle(Q.Styles.IMAGE_BACKGROUND_COLOR, "#2898E0");
hello.setStyle(Q.Styles.IMAGE_PADDING, 5);

Operation effect

var text = graph.createText("Qunee for HTML5");
text.setStyle(Q.Styles.LABEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR, "#2898E0");
text.setStyle(Q.Styles.LABEL_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT, new Q.Gradient(Q.Consts.GRADIENT_TYPE_LINEAR, ['#00d4f9', '#1ea6e6'], null, Math.PI/2));
text.setStyle(Q.Styles.LABEL_COLOR, "#FFF");
text.setStyle(Q.Styles.LABEL_BORDER, 0.5);
text.setStyle(Q.Styles.LABEL_PADDING, 4);
text.setStyle(Q.Styles.LABEL_BORDER_STYLE, "#1D4876");
text.setStyle(Q.Styles.LABEL_RADIUS, 0);
text.setStyle(Q.Styles.LABEL_SIZE, new Q.Size(120, 40));
text.setStyle(Q.Styles.SELECTION_COLOR, "#0F0");

Operation effect

Refer to later examples of LINE related styles

Style nameReference value
LAYOUT_BY_PATHboolean,Whether is layouted by certain routines, or proper for ShapeNode and Edge, which react to the child component of element mounting

Line top style(lineCap) - butt, round, square

Line inflection point style - lineJoin - miter, round, bevel

Line end points and inflection point styles of path

 var graph = new Q.Graph("canvas");
function createShape(join, x, y){
    var shape = graph.createShapeNode(join, x, y);
    shape.moveTo(-50, 50);
    shape.lineTo(0, 0);
    shape.lineTo(50, 50);
    shape.setStyle(Q.Styles.SHAPE_STROKE, 10);
    shape.setStyle(Q.Styles.SHAPE_STROKE_STYLE, "#2898E0");
    shape.setStyle(Q.Styles.LAYOUT_BY_PATH, true);
    shape.setStyle(Q.Styles.SHAPE_FILL_COLOR, null);
    shape.setStyle(Q.Styles.LINE_CAP, Q.Consts.LINE_CAP_TYPE_BUTT);
    shape.setStyle(Q.Styles.LINE_JOIN, join);
    return shape;
createShape(Q.Consts.LINE_JOIN_TYPE_BEVEL, -150, 0);
createShape(Q.Consts.LINE_JOIN_TYPE_MITER, 0, 0);
createShape(Q.Consts.LINE_JOIN_TYPE_ROUND, 150, 0);

Operation effect

Style nameReference value
PADDINGFor the internal gap of nodes, the gap effect can be seen at the set background or edge

Color dyeing, refer to online presentation

dyeing effect


var graph = new Q.Graph("canvas");
var node = graph.createNode("node");
node.setStyle(Q.Styles.SELECTION_SHADOW_BLUR, 10);
node.setStyle(Q.Styles.SELECTION_COLOR, '#8F8');
node.setStyle(Q.Styles.SELECTION_SHADOW_OFFSET_X, 2);
node.setStyle(Q.Styles.SELECTION_SHADOW_OFFSET_Y, 2);

Operation selection effect

Bad blur effect under shadow of chrome

Style nameReference value
SHADOW_BLURElement shadow blur distance
SHADOW_COLORElement shadow color
SHADOW_OFFSET_XElement shadow x offset
SHADOW_OFFSET_YElement shadow y offset


var nodeWithScale = graph.createNode("Node with Scale\nand Render Color", 0, 110);
nodeWithScale.size = {width: 100, height: -1};
nodeWithScale.rotate = -Math.PI / 6;
nodeWithScale.setStyle(Q.Styles.RENDER_COLOR, "#E21667");
nodeWithScale.setStyle(Q.Styles.SHADOW_COLOR, "#888");
nodeWithScale.setStyle(Q.Styles.SHADOW_OFFSET_X, 5);
nodeWithScale.setStyle(Q.Styles.SHADOW_OFFSET_Y, 5);
nodeWithScale.setStyle(Q.Styles.SHADOW_BLUR, 5);
