Other properties and methods
Other properties and methods
- Invalid component, redraw canvas -invalidate()
- set the maximum update rate - setMaxFPS(fps)
- traverse visible element - forEachVisibleUI(call, scope)
- Acquire element at mouse point position - getElementByMouseEvent(evt) → {Element}
- Acquire element by name - getElementByName(name) → {Element}
- Move element position - moveElements(elements, dx, dy)
- Export canvas - exportImage(scale, clipBounds) → {Object}
- Whether elements are visible - isVisible(item) → {Boolean}
Exports the canvas to images, and displays at new webpage
function exportImage(graph, scale, clipBounds) {
var imageInfo = graph.exportImage(scale, clipBounds);
if (!imageInfo || !imageInfo.data) {
return false;
var win = window.open();
var doc = win.document;
doc.title = "export image - " + imageInfo.width + " x " + imageInfo.height;
var img = doc.createElement("img");
img.src = imageInfo.data;